Get to know our pricing structure and methods while getting the help that you need today.
We offer a variety of services in addition to rush court service. Getting to know us and the way we charge for the different services we provide helps you determine whether we can assist you with your request in locating an individual or business that has failed to pay you. To help you understand our pricing structure in-depth, we’ve created a short guide for you to refer to today. Doing so allows you to see how we can assist you and what options are available for locating third-parties that have previously avoided making contact and payment arrangements with you.
Location services offered by Ace Process Service are listed below for you to refer to today.
Bank Account Research (No Guarantee)
The cost of the service is $375. Uncovering assets is one of our specialties.
Credit Report (For Permissible Purposes Only)
You’ll pay $175 for the service, given that you have a reasonable request and permission to request the information.
Employment Search (No Guarantee)
The search may or may not bring up the information needed to serve the debtor. We charge $375 for the service with no guarantees.
People Locate Service
The most basic of the location services we provide, we charge $88 for it.
Phone Break (Must Have Correct Phone Number)
For the service to work, you must have the current phone number of the debtor you’re trying to reach. There are methods of obtaining the number outside of the Phone Break service. If you have the correct phone number, the service costs $150.
Real Property Search
Finding out what property a debtor owns can be valuable in getting the compensation you deserve. It’s a service that is extremely affordable and priced at $88.
Social Security Search
Another basic service that we perform is looking up the social security number of third-parties for clients who do not already have access to the information. It also costs $88.
Some services come with limitations, and we offer no guarantees that they’ll produce the information you requested. Keep that in mind when you agree to use us to provide you with Bank Account Research, Employment Searches, and Phone Breaking. Contact us with your request for Location Services and get debtors to respond to your request for payment without further delay!