Why service of process is a better choice with a private process server.
Are you on the fence about whether you should hire a private process server or a sheriff? Although sheriffs are capable of performing service of process, private process servers offer a higher level of service and speed, as well as a greater level of knowledge of process service law.
Speed of Service
Private process servers work every day, day in and day out, focusing on service of process. Sheriffs on the other hand, who fill an important part in our legal system, must handle a variety of responsibilities, with service of process often falling to the bottom of the priority list.
Sheriffs typically work between the hours of 9 and 5, which means they are only able to make attempts during their working hours. Many subjects being served work during these hours as well. Process servers make attempts outside of normal business hours, quickly effectuating service.
Knowledge of Process of Service Laws
Many people mistakenly believe that sheriffs know more about service of process since they work with the law, but process servers are typically more knowledgeable in this area. A process server’s job depends on knowing these rules and staying up to date on any changes. Process service is just one of the many hats a sheriff wears as they are responsible for a wide variety of high-level tasks. A sheriff can’t be expected to know all of the ins and outs of process service when he is also handling prisoner transports, warrants, evictions and traffic control.
The Business Aspect
Private process servers often offer a better customer experience than sheriffs. Sheriffs do not work for a business and getting back to you when you have questions is not a requirement. Private process servers operate a professional company and want to keep their customers happy. As a result, a fast response can be expected for any requests for updates and other questions.